; 18265德國 FUN FACTORY STRONIC ZWEI jeans blue神鬼戰士奇翼-強力深度抽送擬真按摩棒(藍)

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德國 FUN FACTORY STRONIC ZWEI jeans blue神鬼戰士奇翼-強力深度抽送擬真按摩棒(藍)

神鬼戰士是稱霸競技場的鬥士,劃時代革命性的 神器宣告了王者降臨!神鬼戰士優雅強健的外型 是為了完美推進、深入抽送所設計。錐狀且略微 傾斜且符合人體工學的頭部讓使用時更容易進入 刺激G點,如山丘陵線突起的底部更加強了對陰 蒂的刺激。神鬼戰士有著強勁豪邁的力量,前後 擺動、深入抽送讓人心醉神迷,資深玩家會馬上 被它所征服。

神鬼戰士帶給全世界前所未見、前所未聞的感官 震撼!搭載全球獨家專利的前後擺動、深入抽送 的重金屬推進器,革命性低頻推進技術帶來雄壯 威武的擬真力量,速度越慢則越強勁而真實,並 搭配了創新十段非人力所及的深淺交錯絕技。旅 途中可鎖住按摩棒避免誤觸而啟動。神鬼戰士勇 猛搏鬥、所向無敵,為光輝榮耀而戰!













千萬別忘記了要購買CNC高科技磁吸充電器。 CNC高科技磁吸充電器可適用在任何一個我們的 充電式按摩器上。




直徑O4,4-8,9 cm


Ladies first: shortly after the debut of the pulsator STRONIC EINS a collective shout of joy could be heard throughout the female world. Now it's time for FUN FACTORY to bring happiness to the other stronger sex! With the STRONIC ZWEI, now men or male pairs can give themselves over to a totally new pulsing erotic experience. This boy's new wonder toy has a one of a kind feature among sex toys - it delivers intense yet finely adjustable thrusting simulations that are much more powerful and natural than other vibrators.

The STRONIC ZWEI's concept is based on an effect which totally differs from the standard high frequency vibrators. It goes for deep satisfaction with deep frequencies in connection with a back and forth motion which feels natural. The thrust impulses can be adjusted to ten rhythms, from lightly stimulating to very powerful.

From a technical standpoint, the STRONIC ZWEI offers a worldwide patented drive and an innovative control panel, which can be used via buttons intuitively and safely. The curved shape of the STRONIC ZWEI supports the thrusting movements and a stimulation of the prostate. The elegant protruding element at the end of STRONIC ZWEI pampers the external anus and perineum depending on the pulse program, promising safe pleasure.

Rechargeable CLICK 'N' CHARGE vibrator: Don't forget the accompanying recharge plug, the MAGNETIC CHARGER!

Special Features

?100% waterproof


?one touch buttons for intuitive control

?8 vibration intensities

?3 vibration programs

?powerful, quieter and longer-lasting motor

?sleeve made of 100% silicone



◎Punique, 'naturalistic”, thrusting back and forth motions

◎the most intense stimulation from pulsations in the powerful lower frequencies

◎PRESS FUN TO PLAY: the easiest operation

◎ten stimulation rhythms

◎'Immediate STOP”: quick switch off with the FUN button

◎key lock for discrete carrying

◎100 % medical grade silicone

◎waterproof | easy to clean

◎Size: 22,5 cm - O 4,4 - 8,9 cm


德國 FUN FACTORY STRONIC ZWEI jeans blue神鬼戰士奇翼-強力深度抽送擬真按摩棒(藍)' />

德國 FUN FACTORY STRONIC ZWEI jeans blue神鬼戰士奇翼-強力深度抽送擬真按摩棒(藍)

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